French Kissing: Season One Page 8
Juliette ran her nails over Nadia’s back, she wanted to dig deep, brand her as hers, but this was enough. They didn’t need marks for that. Ten years together was enough. This was a rough patch, a minor glitch in their long history together. She’d ask her to come home. The first step to recovery.
Nadia’s lips suckled a moist path down Juliette’s neck, stopping at her collarbones to plant some gentle kisses there. Juliette kept her eyes on Nadia in case she looked up, so she could catch a glimpse of the storm in her eyes. Something in her glance always changed when they ended up in bed, a delicious darkness took hold, a magnetism drawing Juliette in and keeping her there.
With her knee, Nadia pushed Juliette’s legs apart, before positioning her pelvis so their pussy lips touched. Her weight rested on her arms and a fire raged in her eyes while she ground herself against Juliette. It wasn’t the sensation between her legs, which was subtle at best, that turned Juliette’s skin into gooseflesh, it was the look in Nadia’s eyes. The way she prepared herself for what was to come by crashing her hips into Juliette’s—as if already claiming her.
Apart from the sound of their skin slapping together and the ragged puffs of their breath, the room was silent. Nadia bent her arms and kissed Juliette full on the mouth, her tongue crashing through the gap between her lips with full force. That’s how Juliette knew playtime was over. She grabbed Nadia by the back of the head and pulled her closer.
The things she wanted to say, everything she couldn’t say when they sat opposite each other ready for ‘the talk’ bubbled to the surface, but Nadia freed herself from Juliette’s hold and made her way down. Wet pecks led the way, only interrupted when Nadia took Juliette’s nipple between her teeth and bit down—always much harder than Juliette expected, even after all these years.
Juliette was still wincing at the torturous delight when Nadia’s lips had already reached her belly button and then the edge of her pubic hair. Nadia slowed the pace of her kisses, making them more deliberate.
Juliette regarded Nadia’s big mass of hair, how it bounced up and down while she was busy between her legs, how the tone of their skin contrasted where Nadia’s arms curved over her thighs. She drew up her knees, exposing herself completely, as Nadia settled between her upper thighs. For a brief moment, there was nothing. Only breath being expelled at a quickening pace and Juliette’s fingers digging into the sheet with anticipation. Nadia looked up once, just a fraction of a second, but long enough to lock her eyes with Juliette and make her press her fingernails deeper into the mattress.
Then, the tip of Nadia’s tongue started dancing, an onslaught of light licks being unleashed on Juliette’s lips and clit in a steady rhythm.
“Aah,” Juliette moaned. “Aah, baby. Yes.”
Nadia wrapped her lips around Juliette’s clit, sucking it into her mouth, before letting her tongue circle around it at a more determined pace. Juliette stretched out her arms, trying to find a few strands of Nadia’s hair to wrap her fingers around, craving the connection.
Nadia’s tongue appeared to be everywhere at once, slithering along her lips, delving inside, circling her clit. Her fingers dented the fleshy part of Juliette’s thighs, keeping away from her pussy. This was tongue only, the way Nadia liked to start things off.
Juliette let her head fall back into the pillows and closed her eyes, their history displayed on the back of her eyelids. The day they met. That first, hesitant kiss. The first time Nadia had pushed her down onto the bed and told her to stay there. The images followed in quick succession now, to the rhythm of Nadia’s tongue on her clit, demanding climax.
With a deep shudder in her muscles, Juliette came, everything compressed in that moment. Waves of love and obliterating, freeing lust.
After relaxing her limbs and swallowing away the beginning of a tear, Juliette couldn’t pull Nadia to her chest fast enough.
“This is who we are, babe,” she said. “Who we used to be. This connection, it made us.”
Nadia wrapped her arms tightly around Juliette’s torso, as if never wanting to let go. She pressed her lips against the swell of Juliette’s breast.
“Come here.” Juliette brought her hand underneath Nadia’s chin. “Look at me.” Her heart hammered away, the finger guiding Nadia’s head towards her trembling. “Please come home. I need you there.”
Silence, followed by a single tear falling down Nadia’s cheek. “Not yet. I can’t.”
“Please, babe. This push and pull. The distance between us and then this, it’s hard to take. It’s hard going home to an empty flat after this.”
“If you want me to come home, we need to start talking instead of ending up in bed every time we meet.”
“I agree, but at least the fact we’re doing it must mean something.” Juliette pushed herself up, the blissful post-orgasmic vibes soon leaving her. “I can’t stand that you’re away. That we’re not together. It’s not right. How can more distance possibly fix us?”
“It’s not distance we need, it’s perspective.” Nadia didn’t say any more and for the first time, after months of feeling as if all the blame for their crumbling affair was being heaped solely on her, Juliette got an inkling that there was more to it. That maybe, it wasn’t all her fault.
“You’re a difficult woman to read,” Margot said. She sat with her legs stretched in front of her and her body weight resting on her elbows.
Claire nearly choked on her wine. She’d polished off most of the bottle by herself because Margot was driving. “That’s a good one coming from you.”
Margot looked into the distance for an instant before replying. “I do admit that I’ve always been more focused on work and improving myself instead of developing my conversational skills, but I wasn’t always this withdrawn.”
“What happened?” As far as first dates went, an indulgence Claire hadn’t allowed herself for quite some time, this one appeared to be going quite well.
“A case of severe heartbreak.” Margot looked away again. Claire didn’t know if it was because of the lingering pain of the breakup or because she couldn’t look her in the eye when divulging something personal. This was by far the most intimate statement Margot had made all night.
Claire didn’t say anything, allowing Margot to continue at her own pace. In the few moments of stretching silence that lay between them, Claire came to the harrowing conclusion that she’d never fallen hard enough for someone to end up with a broken heart.
“We were together for a year and a half when she got the chance to work with Médecins Sans Frontières in Rwanda, something she had always wanted to do. It was just around the time my dad started doing poorly and I couldn’t leave my parents. We tried long-distance for a while until she met someone else and, well, the rest is history.”
“When did this happen?”
“Almost a year ago. She’s in India now.” Margot sighed. “She’s doing important work so I can hardly hold it against her.”
Claire was not big on giving advice, or even commenting on matters of the heart. “It must have hurt,” she tried.
“Not anymore.” Margot eyed what was left of the wine in the bottle a bit too eagerly.
“Why don’t we go back to that café near you, so you can have a proper drink.”
Margot reached for the bottle and poured the remainder in her cup. “I’ll just leave the bike here and we can walk.”
Claire furrowed her brow. “Not in these shoes.”
Margot’s eyes wandered from Claire’s face to her exposed legs and the high-heeled shoes resting next to them. “Oh that’s right, you’re dainty.” The grin on Margot’s face surprised Claire.
“I’m no such thing,” Claire quickly said. “I’m dressed for dinner in one of the many fine restaurants this city has to offer, not a ride on the back of a motorcycle and a picnic in the grass.”
“Complaints?” Margot drained her cup, her biceps bulging ever so slightly when she bent her arm.
“Not at
all.” Claire tossed her empty cup to the side and inched a little closer. “This has been really lovely. Thank you.”
The Eiffel Tower twinkled to the left of them, stars above them. She had the taste of excellent wine in her mouth, and her eyes rested on the most intriguing woman she had met in a long time. Although this was technically their first date, they had a connection already, something that drew them to each other.
“What did you think of me after that dinner at Nadia and Juliette’s?” Margot asked, her legs now tucked underneath her, her upper body slanted towards Claire.
“I thought you were most likely someone who preferred listening to others than to the sound of your own voice.”
“How diplomatic. You must work in PR.”
“It has its perks.” Claire shuffled a little closer. “What did you think of me?” Her heart started beating a little faster as she waited for the reply.
“Frankly, the whole atmosphere of the evening threw me off somewhat, but that being said…” She discarded the plastic cup she’d been twirling around between her fingers. “I thought you were probably a bit too posh for me, maybe somewhat out of my league. I felt a bit out of place, I guess.”
“And then Steph hit on you.”
“She told you?”
Claire nodded. Out of her league? In which universe? “Let me show you how out of your league I think I am.” Claire pushed herself up on her knees, tilted her head sideways and looked into Margot’s ink black eyes. Margot met her halfway, her head canted in the opposite direction.
Their lips barely brushed against each other at the first attempt, forcing a smile to form on Claire’s face, which in turn made it harder to purse her lips. She pulled herself together, revelling in the pure romance of the moment, and leaned in again. This time, Margot didn’t leave anything to chance and cupped the back of Claire’s head in the palms of her hands. She pulled her close and let the tip of her tongue slip between Claire’s lips.
Steph knew this couldn’t happen, but the odds were not in her favour as she stared the forbidden fruit straight in the face.
“But it’s really up to you,” Dominique whispered, suddenly looking vulnerable.
Steph was hardly the type to mull everything over before going in for some action. She’d slept with married women, she’d landed in bed with girls wanting to make someone else jealous, she’d even had a one-night-stand with Claire, and she’d always considered the ramifications the other person’s problem. This was different.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s more a question of ethics.” The words came out reluctantly. Steph had considered the notion—and she’d received the hints loud and clear—but theory and practice were always two very different things. She compared it to presenting Pierrot with a saucer of milk and then asking him not to drink it. Then again, Pierrot was an animal and he didn’t have a job and bosses to consider. Claire and Juliette were her friends but their friendship would not extend to the workplace if they ever found out about this. “I could lose my job.”
“Same here, I guess.” Dominique inched closer, her drawn up knee pressing into Steph’s thigh. “No one has to know.” Her hand was back on Steph’s knee, already boldly traveling upwards. “Our secret.” She slanted her head so her lips could find Steph’s ear. “Our deliciously dirty, little secret.”
“You politicians think you can talk people into anything.” Steph straightened her posture but kept her gaze on Dominique. “But you can’t fool me.” She turned and shifted her weight until she could swing one leg over Dominique’s lap. “I know why you want me. I’m easy and available and I don’t do seconds very often. I’m safe and a little dangerous at the same time. The perfect calculated risk.” She straddled Dominique, trapping her underneath her body, looking deep into her green-grey eyes.
“I’m bloody lonely and you’re incredibly sexy. Is that an honest enough reason for you?” Dominique’s voice had grown hoarse.
Steph bent down and pressed her lips to Dominque’s ear. “Can’t you tell? I’m already sitting on top of you.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Dominique’s eyes sparkled with the intensity of someone knowing they were about to get what they came for.
“You’re good. Really good. I can see why so many people would vote for you.” Steph bent her elbows so her face was a mere inch away from Dominique’s. “Because they want to fuck you.”
“I bet you didn’t vote for me.” Dominique’s fingers found Steph’s thighs.
“Correct, but I am about to fuck you.” Steph narrowed her eyes. The face below her would be on posters plastered all around the country soon.
“Let’s keep it civil and start with a kiss.” In a flash, Dominique’s hands cradled her neck and pulled her in. The first touch of their lips was electric, much more so than Steph had anticipated. It set her free of all inhibitions and reservations. If this was to be their secret, she really wanted to make it as dirty as possible.
While their tongues met, and burst after burst of lust ripped through Steph—no doubt fuelled by the position the person she was kissing held in society—she started fumbling with the buttons of the politician’s immaculately starched blouse, careful not to accidentally tear one off.
When she had Dominique half-naked from the waist up, exposing a surprisingly racy black bra with lace trimming along the edges, Steph pushed herself up, hoisted her top over her head, and gently pulled Dominique down by her legs and twisted and draped her body so she was stretched out on the sofa. She made light work of disposing of Dominique’s trousers, slipped out of her own—no longer the familiar pair of jeans she comfortably wore to the office before they started representing politicians—and lowered herself onto the sofa next to Dominique.
“Such efficiency.” Dominique said it with a sultry sigh and Steph quickly kissed the words away. She’d show her efficiency.
The more intensely their tongues crashed together, the higher Dominique pushed her pelvis against Steph’s thigh. The politician was nothing if not frisky—judging by the state of her love life, it had probably been a while. Unless she was playing games like this with other aides. If she was and she hadn’t told Steph about them, she’d be in serious trouble.
“I wanted you from that time you came into my office and told me how well-connected you were,” Dominique whispered in Steph’s ear while Steph kissed her collarbone. How predictable that she wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut during sex. “My panties were drenched by the time you left, and you were only there for five minutes.” She briefly stopped to pant when Steph sunk her teeth into the soft flesh of her upper breast. “Imagine what they’re like right now.”
Steph replied by trailing her fingers along Dominique’s flank, skimming the waistband of her panties, and dipping under slowly to measure the effects she had on her. Her fingers met wetness straight away. “Politicians do sometimes keep their promises,” she hissed, not wanting to let on how turned on she was by the free flow of Dominique’s juices.
“It’s about time you kept yours.” Dominique brought one hand down and started tugging her panties down. “Fuck me.”
A bossy bottom. Nothing Steph hadn’t dealt with a million times before. She climbed off, found Dominique’s eyes and tore down her panties. They were soaked beyond salvation.
She draped herself next to Dominique’s body as best as her narrow sofa allowed before pulling down the cups of her black bra. Her nipples stood pertly, dark-pink pebbles in a sea of pale gooseflesh. Steph wrapped her lips around one while her hand skimmed down, barely touching Dominique’s skin until she reached her pubes. She drew a quick circle around Dominique’s clit, just to gauge the effect it would have. Dominique’s muscles tensed beneath her, her body going rigid for a split second. Steph would have smiled if her lips weren’t busy elsewhere.
She tore her lips away from Dominique’s nipple because she needed to see her face when she entered, needed to see the surrender in her eyes. Dominique
drew up her knee closest to the back rest, giving Steph better access. The wetness had spread to her upper thighs, creating a velvety feel no matter the direction Steph’s fingers roamed in. They only had one destination left now. Inside.
Slowly, Steph inserted two fingers, causing Dominique to go limp beneath her instantly. She stroked deep and slow, allowing Dominique the time to get used to them inside of her. Steph scanned her face, saw how she tried to keep her eyes open, the green of them already obscured by half-closing eyelids.
Intensifying the pace while curling her fingers, Steph craned her neck and sucked Dominique’s nipple between her lips. She added another finger, feeling the rim of Dominique’s pussy strain around them, and started brushing her clit with her thumb with every stroke.
“Oh,” Dominique moaned. “Oh yes, fuck me.” Her nails dug deep into the flesh of Steph’s back, surely leaving marks. “Harder.” Her pelvis bucked up, meeting Steph’s thrusts, setting the pace. “Oh yes, oh yes.”
With a surprisingly limp whimper, Dominique climaxed on Steph’s fingers, pulling Steph’s head up to kiss her deeply.
“I can’t believe I waited more than twenty-five years to do this again,” she whispered in Steph’s ear.
“And we’ve only just started.” An unexpected tenderness swept over Steph. It caught her by surprise and she pushed it away immediately, pretended it wasn’t there. “Can you stay or do you need to get home?”
“I can stay, after all, I have unfinished business.” In between their sweating bodies, Dominique’s hand travelled down, to the panel of Steph’s drenched panties. “If there’s one thing politics teaches you, it’s to give as good as you get.” With her other hand, she pushed Steph up. Displaying an impressive amount of core strength by sitting up right without the support of her arms, Dominique toppled Steph on her back on the other end of the sofa, untangled their legs, curled her fingers under the hem of her panties and yanked them down as swiftly as Steph had done to hers earlier. “Let me show you what right-wing conservatives can do with their tongue.” Dominique’s face disappeared between Steph’s legs and before she had a chance to consider what was happening, her tongue made contact with Steph’s clit.